Sunday, November 27, 2011 - Upper Winter Creek Trail

Beautiful day. Perfect L.A. weather.

Took the Upper Winter Creek Trail.

 View of the Chantry Flats parking lot from the trail.

 Fall in L.A.

Thursday, November 24, 2011 - Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving with a little fishing at Laguna Niguel.

Saturday, November 19, 2011 - Occupy Los Angeles

Decided to walk over to check-out Occupy LA again after work.

 On Temple St.

 Washing up.

 Meditation temple.

"One day the poor will have nothing left to eat but the rich"

 The police presence on the block.

Building a structure out of bamboo.

 He was rappin', freestylin'.

 Yoga in the center square.

 Mix of different cultures and ethnicities.

 Crocheting on the steps of City Hall while listening to a guy hip hop.

Hip hop in front of City Hall.

Dancing to the music in bare feet.

The boxed mural around the water fountain.

Watching the performance on the steps of City Hall.

Guy Fawkes mask.

 World Peace, 2021.

 American flag.

 Dancing to the music.

 Helicopters circling around.

 Hip hop in front of City Hall.

Another side of the boxed mural around the water fountain.

 "It smells like change"

Streets of City Hall blocked off. SEIU United Healthcare workers van in the back.

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - Sturtevant Falls

Itchy feet. Itching for a new travel adventure, already..

 Short refreshing hike to Sturtevant Falls on a Sunday morning.

Not sure how many times I've been here, but hasn't gotten old yet.