Monday-Wednesday, March 25-27, 2013 - Death Valley National Park

Took a 3 month hiatus from blogging. Was a busy 3 months to start off the new year. Finally back, with a short little road trip to Death Valley National Park.

Picture taken from Google Maps.

Monday: Los Angeles to Death Valley. Stayed at Amargosa Hotel in Death Valley Junction.
Tuesday: Death Valley to Las Vegas. Stayed in Las Vegas.
Wednesday: Las Vegas back home to Los Angeles.

Total Mileage: 1000 miles (800 miles in our car, 200 miles in the jeep)

Day 1:
Death Valley - Zabriskie Point

 Zabriskie Point

 Zabriskie Point

Zabriskie Point

Death Valley - Golden Canyon

Golden Canyon trail

Golden Canyon trail

Golden Canyon trail: Colors of the different sediments

Death Valley - Badwater

 Badwater Basin: The lowest point in North America

 Badwater Basin

 Badwater Basin

 Badwater Basin: salt

Death Valley - Artists Palette

 Artists Palette: the different colors from the volcanic deposits

Death Valley - Sand Dunes

 Sand Dunes

 Sand Dunes

Death Valley Sign

 Heading out of Death Valley at sunset after the first day to Amargosa Hotel where we were staying the night.

Death Valley Junction: Amargosa Hotel

Death Valley Junction: Population less than 20. No restaurants and no gas stations.

Amargosa Hotel: Front

Amargosa Hotel: The hallway with guest rooms on both sides

Amargosa Hotel: Outside

Day 2:
Death Valley - Ubehebe Crater

Ubehebe Crater

Ubehebe Crater: View to the Northwest

Death Valley - The Racetrack

Jeep we rented to get to the Racetrack - probably unnecessary next time. A SUV or other 4 wheeled drive is sufficient enough.

Teakettle Junction on our way to the Racetrack

View of the Grandstand and the Racetrack Playa from afar

The Racetrack

 The Racetrack

The Racetrack

Joshua trees on the way back from the Racetrack

Death Valley
Sand dunes viewed from the road

The moon on our drive from Death Valley to Las Vegas

At Las Vegas we tried the new Caesar's Palace Bacchanal Buffet and then called it a day.

Day 3:

Slept in and then ate breakfast at the BabyStacks Cafe.

 Rick's Adobo Fried Rice

Red Velvet Pancakes