Thursday, October 25, 2012 - Mt. Wilson Trail via Sierra Madre

Missed hiking. Did 11 miles round trip on the Mt. Wilson Trail from Sierra Madre in about 4 1/2 hours. Made it to the Mt. Wilson Junction and turned back. Approximately 3,500 ft elevation gain. It would have been an additional 4 1/2 miles total if I had gone all the way to Mt. Wilson. Maybe next time.

 Map of the trail.

Good morning. Around 8:45 am, shot from the trail.

 Fall leaves.

 Fall leaves.

 More leaves.

 Mt. Wilson Trail Junction sign. Turned back from here back down to Sierra Madre. 
Came up from Chantry Flat to the top of Mt. Wilson last year.

 Another shot of the city down below. Higher up this time. Looking back the way I came.

 I liked the green on the rocks.

Nice to have some week days off now. Almost nobody on the trails and no trouble finding parking. A bypassing stranger said to me on the trail, "It's a beautiful day." Indeed it is.