Round trip from Gorak Shep to Kala Patar and back: Gain/loss of 1,645 ft. in about 2 miles
Gorak Shep to Pheriche: Loss of 2,555 ft. in about 6 miles
Early, cold, morning on the trail up to the top of Kala Patar. Sun just about to peek behind Mt. Everest.
Near the top of Kala Patar looking back down from the way we came.
A lot of people at the top of Kala Patar, 18,510 ft., the highest I have ever been. The last highest place I had been to was Mt. Whitney in California, 14,505 ft., the highest summit in the contiguous United States.
View of Mt. Everest from the top of Kala Patar. Such a humbling experience to make it here. Forever grateful. Relieved that I successfully made it to Everest Base camp and the top of Kala Patar. Unreal.
On the way down from Kala Patar. Those buildings are Gorak Shep, where we had stayed the night. Went back to our lodge, packed up, and headed for Pheriche. 6 miles straight to Pheriche, another tiring day, but the adrenaline from making it to the top of Kala Patar kept me going. So tired I didn't take any other pictures after this.