Asia Trip - Day 8 (Wednesday, August 10, 2011)


1. Yangguan Pass

2. Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring


 Right off the train we stopped to get some beef noodles for breakfast.

It was a bit of a drive from the train station to our hotel to drop off our luggage. We saw just about everything crossing the roads in China. This time it was camels.

Yangguan Pass

Dropped off our luggage and went to Yangguan Pass. This place was built at the ancient China border between two mountains as a defense post. If you passed the Yangguan Pass, you were no longer in China. This was considered the most western part of China at the time.

 Dunhuang - Yangguan Pass - Entrance

 Dunhuang - Yanngguan Pass - Walls and defensive weapons.

 Dunhuang - Yangguan Pass - View near the watch tower. You can see where the oasis ends and the desert begins.

Dunhuang - Yangguan Pass - Watch tower in the background.

Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring

After Yangguan Pass, we drove back to the hotel to shower and rest since it was too hot to go to the Mingsha Mountain, which are sand dunes, and because we didn't get a chance to shower since we took the overnight train.

 Dunhuang - Mingsha Mountains - Rode the camels on the sand dunes.

 Dunhuang - Mingsha Mountain - Caravan of camels

 Dunhuang - Mingsha Mountain - Sand dunes

Dunhuang - Cresent Spring - A small oasis with a temple built next to the spring.

After dinner, we walked around the city of Dunhuang.

 Dunhuang - Market

 Dunhuang - Market

Dunhuang - A street where they were selling a lot of souvenirs and crafts.