Spain/Portugal - Day 9 (Friday, March 11, 2016: Lisbon - Seville)

Lisbon: Left our hotel early in the morning.
Seville: Lunch at Eslava, Espacio Metropol Parasol, La Avenida de la Constitución, Catedral de Sevilla, Royal Alcázar of Seville, Plaza de España, night at Bed and Breakfast Naranjo

Drive: Approximately 437 km (272 miles) - 4 hours 30 minutes


 Lunch at Eslava, a tapas bar. Top left: Salmorejo (cold soup from Cordoba, made with tomatoes, bread, garlic, and olive oil). Top right: Ortiguillas Rebozadas (breaded sea anemone). Bottom left: Yema sobre bizcocho de boletus y vino carmelizado (slow-cooked egg served on boletus cake with caramelized wine reduction). Bottom right: Mini-Puerros a baja temperatura con salsa tartara ahumada (little slow-cooked leeks with smoked tartara sauce). Seville, Spain.

Lunch at Eslava (continued). Top left: Carrillada Iberica estofada (stewed pork cheeks). Top right: Costilla de cerdo con miel de romero al horno (roasted pork ribs with rosemary honey glaze). Bottom left: Boqueron blanco de Malaga frito (Deep-fried anchovies from Malaga). Bottom right: Un cigarro para Becquer (A cigar for Becquer: Brie pastry cigar-shaped with cuttlefish and algae). Seville, Spain.
Espacio Metropol Parasol. A wooden structure designed by the German architect, Jurgen Mayer. It was completed in in April 2011 and is located in the old quarter of Seville. The design consists of six parasols. Seville, Spain.

View of Iglesia de la Anunciacion from Espacio Metropol Parasol. Seville, Spain.

 Walking the top of Espacio Metropol Parasol. Views of the city. Seville, Spain. 

La Avenida de la Constitución. This street connects the historical center of the city starting from the square known as Puerta de Jerez, to the Town Hall in Plaza Neuva. A tram runs through the middle and passes by the Catedral de Sevilla. Seville, Spain.

Catedral de Sevilla. This is a Roman Catholic cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral, and the third largest church in the world. It is also the burial site of Christopher Columbus. The picture shows the main door, or Door of Assumption, located in the center of the west facade. Seville, Spain.

Catedral de Sevilla. Door of the Prince. Seville, Spain.

 Royal Alcázar of Seville is a royal palace. Only spent half a day in Seville and so we didn't have enough time to go in. It just closed by the time we arrived. This is the main entrance, Puerta del León, or Lion Gate. It is named after the tile work above the door, which shows a crowned lion holding a cross in it's claws, bearing a Gothic script. Seville, Spain.

 Plaza de España. It was built in 1928 to host the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. It is a plaza located in the Parque de Maria Luisa and is an example of Regionalism Architecture, mixing Renaissance Revival and Moorish Revival styles in Spanish Architecture. Seville, Spain.

Plaza de España. The plaza is a half-circle with buildings along the edge, accessible over the moat by numerous bridges representing the four ancient kingdoms of Spain. Seville, Spain.

Plaza de España. The building was used in the film, Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the clones, as the exterior of the City of Theed on the planet Naboo. Seville, Spain.

 Plaza de España. The Vincente Traver fountain, located in the middle of the plaza. Seville, Spain.

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